FBI Warns Over Ransomware Attacks

The FBI recently issued a warning to the private industry providing information and guidance on the LockerGoga and MegaCortex Ransomware. LockerGoga and MegaCortex are ransomware infections that target the company by compromising the network and encrypting all devices. When the network is compromised, the perpretratorswill be residents of the network for months before they release […]

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Disney + Accounts Hacked And on Sale For $1

Disney’s new demand streaming service has been available for less than two weeks and it did not take long before hackers were able to compromise the streaming service and posted hacked accounts on sale for as little as $1. According to several news sources, the extremely popular Disney + service amassed over 10 million subscribers […]

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Why organizations should be concerned with their vendor’s cyber security standards

While it is important to maintain a high level of cyber security for your organization to protect your customer’s data, it is equally as important to ensure the vendors you are doing business with are demonstrating the same commitment to security. A recent article provides some of the threats associated with third-party hacks and how to […]

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How to protect your phone number from hackers and port-out scams

In the wake of two-factor authentication frequently being recommended to combat malicious hackers, another security threat has arisen: port-out scams. Port-out scams involve hackers trying to steal your phone number and transfer it to another carrier, allowing them access to any account that requires a text message confirmation to access. Considering many people’s bank and […]

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